TMC's annual quest to put Tufts students on top of the 48 tallest peaks in the White Mountains!
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Sunday, September 28, 2014


hey ya'll

Your new coordinators for PEAK WEEKEND 2014 here.

So as I hope you're all aware PEAK WEEKEND 2014 is fast approaching.

If you weren't previously aware, don't know what Peak Weekend is, or are just generally confused you should probably come to our GIM on Wednesday at 9 PM in Braker 001 where we will explain those very things and more!

But just to whet your appetite for peakend info here's a brief spiel.

Peak Weekend is one of TMC's largest annual events. Over the course of Columbus Day weekend, we try to put someone from Tufts atop all 48 of New Hampshire's 4000+ foot peaks. If  hiking, mountains, woods, rocks, friends, the loj, stars, or gorgeous views at all interest you than you should sign up and come to the Loj between Oct. 11-13 and hike a peak. Only prereqs are the ability to walk and liking fun. Signups will be posted here following the GIM.

GIM Wednesday at 9. Braker 001. Come.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

~Luke and Sophie

Sunday, September 21, 2014

2014 Peakweekend Info Coming Soon

Hello future Peakers! More info on Peakweekend 2014 will be coming soon to this site and the TMC elist. Keep your ears pealed for an upcoming GIM! In the mean time, head over to the TMC Trip Board to check out what's going on in the next few weeks.

Get stoked for your new coordinators:!:!:!:: so fresh so clean

pce nd luv, akaps + seth